Our Mission
Improve human heath through the use of farm animals
Our Goals
To travel to facilities and provide therapy visits. In addition, we will provide on-site programs and visitation.
To provide programs to meet the needs of the community for individuals with disabilities.
Our groups are tailored to the individuals needs and abilities.
Why Donkeys?
- Donkeys are smaller and less intimidating than some farm animals allowing someone with no animal experience to get close to them.
- They are naturally calm animals, often choosing to stand stoic in a crisis while deciding what to do.
- They are very social animals and love attention.
Other farm animals
We currently have a bunny that travels to the nursing homes.
On the farm we have a variety of other animals goats, horses, alpacas, chickens, ducks, peacocks, and pigeons.
How We're Helping
- We provide facility visitation with therapy donkeys and sometimes other farm animals.
- We provide on-site farm visits
- We assist in the community attending fund raising events for other non-profits organizations.
- We provide education to schools about donkeys and animal assisted therapy.
- We provide training for volunteers who have a passion for working with animals and making a difference in people's daily lives.
Getting Involved
- Are you passionate about what we are doing?
- We are always looking for volunteers to help us make our vision a reality.
- We help you find a way to volunteer that suits your interests.
- We're excited to have you join our team.
- To learn more about volunteering with our organization go to our volunteer page.
Thank you!!
Whether you help through monetary donations, volunteering your time, or spreading our mission through word-of-mouth, thank you.
We couldn't accomplish our goals without the help of supporters like you.